I just looked at:
bool FindBobEnemySoldier::accept(Bob* const imm) const { if (upcast(Soldier, soldier, imm)) if (soldier->is_on_battlefield() && (!player || soldier->owner().is_hostile(*player)) && soldier->get_current_health()) return true;
return false; }
and wonder what is the logic for "!player" .... ?
I just looked at:
bool FindBobEnemySol dier::accept( Bob* const imm) const { >is_on_ battlefield( ) && (!player || soldier- >owner( ).is_hostile( *player) ) && >get_current_ health( ))
if (upcast(Soldier, soldier, imm))
if (soldier-
return true;
return false;
and wonder what is the logic for "!player" .... ?