Thanks, works again now. :) It even works on Ubuntu 10.04 [1], which I didn't know if would be the case when saw you link to the documentation for boost 1.46.
I took the liberty of updating the list of required build dependencies [2] which claimed boost 1.47 or higher is needed. When we build fine with 1.40 (if not older releases), that seemed slightly misleading.
Thanks, works again now. :) It even works on Ubuntu 10.04 [1], which I didn't know if would be the case when saw you link to the documentation for boost 1.46.
I took the liberty of updating the list of required build dependencies [2] which claimed boost 1.47 or higher is needed. When we build fine with 1.40 (if not older releases), that seemed slightly misleading.
[1] https:/ /launchpad. net/~widelands- dev/+archive/ widelands- daily/+ packages /wl.widelands. org/wiki/ BuildingWidelan ds/#libraries
[2] https:/