There are two actions were executed successfully.
How many actions in the actionplan?
Could you run some cli cmd?
nova service-list
watcher audit list
watcher actionplan show db4b4ead-af3e-4a51-b915-1b9f5b1493e4
watcher action list --detail --action-plan=db4b4ead-af3e-4a51-b915-1b9f5b1493e4
and we can talk in irc channel #openstack-watcher if you will, thanks
2019-10-08 13:18:56.994 38357 DEBUG watcher. applier. workflow_ engine. default [req-ff29921f- 9c0e-4e36- ae57-ceaf71e037 0c - - - - -] Post-condition action: action_ type:change_ nova_service_ state uuid:4e14809d- 9019-4343- a1bc-18b0cc455f 2c do_post_execute /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ watcher/ applier/ workflow_ engine/ default. py:136 applier. workflow_ engine. default [req-ff29921f- 9c0e-4e36- ae57-ceaf71e037 0c - - - - -] Post-condition action: action_ type:change_ nova_service_ state uuid:b139d297- c64c-49bd- 9efe-e409f4987a 92 do_post_execute /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ watcher/ applier/ workflow_ engine/ default. py:136
2019-10-08 13:18:57.000 38357 DEBUG watcher.
There are two actions were executed successfully.
How many actions in the actionplan?
Could you run some cli cmd?
nova service-list af3e-4a51- b915-1b9f5b1493 e4 plan=db4b4ead- af3e-4a51- b915-1b9f5b1493 e4
watcher audit list
watcher actionplan show db4b4ead-
watcher action list --detail --action-
and we can talk in irc channel #openstack-watcher if you will, thanks