Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/juno
commit 7c825121080db10ff5aeb1d90d3e434966c1645b Author: Salvatore Orlando <email address hidden> Date: Thu Jan 15 02:56:13 2015 -0800
NSX: synchronize floating IP operations
This patch simply adds floating IP operations (create, update, and delete) to the VMware global mutex already employed for router gateway operations.
This should prevent the occurence of database lock wait timeout errors caused by untimely eventlet yields.
Patch applied from stackforge/vmware-nsx commit id defd249040edb45b49a9d7eb9451dde1dffef69e
Change-Id: Iad794a354412221ba4085637e0622882bbfce82b Closes-Bug: #1410777
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/147464 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=7c825121080 db10ff5aeb1d90d 3e434966c1645b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/juno
commit 7c825121080db10 ff5aeb1d90d3e43 4966c1645b
Author: Salvatore Orlando <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 15 02:56:13 2015 -0800
NSX: synchronize floating IP operations
This patch simply adds floating IP operations (create, update,
and delete) to the VMware global mutex already employed for
router gateway operations.
This should prevent the occurence of database lock wait timeout
errors caused by untimely eventlet yields.
Patch applied from stackforge/ vmware- nsx commit id db45b49a9d7eb94 51dde1dffef69e
Change-Id: Iad794a35441222 1ba4085637e0622 882bbfce82b
Closes-Bug: #1410777