Quoting KarelV (<email address hidden>): > raise VMBuilderException, "Process (%s) returned %d. stdout: %s, stderr: %s" % (args.__repr__(), status, mystdout.buf, mystderr.buf) > VMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderException: Process (['/usr/sbin/debootstrap', '--arch=amd64', 'maverick', '/tmp/tmpwHumhC', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu']) returned 1. stdout: I: Retrieving Release > E: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release
Are you behind a firewall? Can you
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release
from the command line?
Quoting KarelV (<email address hidden>): exception. VMBuilderExcept ion: Process (['/usr/ sbin/debootstra p', '--arch=amd64', 'maverick', '/tmp/tmpwHumhC', 'http:// archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu']) returned 1. stdout: I: Retrieving Release archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ dists/maverick/ Release
> raise VMBuilderException, "Process (%s) returned %d. stdout: %s, stderr: %s" % (args.__repr__(), status, mystdout.buf, mystderr.buf)
> VMBuilder.
> E: Failed getting release file http://
Are you behind a firewall? Can you
wget http:// archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ dists/maverick/ Release
from the command line?