unit-vault-0: 03:40:00 ERROR unit.vault/0.juju-log certificates:10: cannot satisfy request, as TTL would result in notAfter 2030-12-26T02:40:00.829770137Z that is beyond the expiration of the CA certif
icate at 2030-10-15T09:14:03Z
unit-vault-0: 03:40:00 INFO unit.vault/0.juju-log certificates:10: Processing certificate request from kubernetes-worker_15 for system:kubelet
unit-vault-0: 03:40:00 ERROR unit.vault/ 0.juju- log certificates:10: cannot satisfy request, as TTL would result in notAfter 2030-12- 26T02:40: 00.829770137Z that is beyond the expiration of the CA certif 15T09:14: 03Z 0.juju- log certificates:10: Processing certificate request from kubernetes- worker_ 15 for system:kubelet
icate at 2030-10-
unit-vault-0: 03:40:00 INFO unit.vault/