Comment 8 for bug 1896542

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Barbieri (rodrigo-barbieri2010) wrote :

Hello. I've investigated the issue caused the the charm-vault cache v3 patch and reproduced the issue posted in comment #4 above, where the test failed. I cleaned up the env, redeployed, proceeded to make code changes and was able to no longer reproduce the issue, the tests are now passing. So I submitted patch v4 [1].

Here are the instructions.

1) deploy bundle (attached below in next comment)

2) unlock vault and authorize

3) git clone /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation

4) cd /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation; git checkout 1.24

5) tox --workdir .tox -c /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation/tox.ini -e py3 -- pytest -v -s --junit-xml=/home/ubuntu/project/generated/kubernetes-maas/k8s-suite/test_status_messages-junit.xml --controller=ganso --model=k8s-sqa2 /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation/jobs/integration/

6) tox --workdir .tox -c /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation/tox.ini -e py3 -- pytest -v -s --junit-xml=/home/ubuntu/project/generated/kubernetes-maas/k8s-suite/test_sans-junit.xml --controller=ganso --model=k8s-sqa2 /home/ubuntu/k8s-validation/jobs/integration/

the --controller and --model parameters above in (5) and (6) will need to be changed accordingly to the env.
