Comment 1 for bug 1843809

Revision history for this message
David Ames (thedac) wrote :

In the following change

This check is not robust enough:
if not (addr and is_address_in_network(bound_cidr, addr)):

In the cases of CMR and on AWS where instances may be on different CIDRs for internal networks, it is not safe to assume the local instance's space binding will be on the same CIDR as the remote's ingress address.

Per cory_fu:
[The bigger issue is] get_api_url() needs to be called with vault's ingress address for the specific relation that it's be advertised on, rather than assuming it's going to be one of the extra-bindings spaces.

The vault charm needs to set it's ingress address appropriately for the given relation. The setting of the ingress address may be spaces aware.

Another way to look at this, the vault-kv change has it the wrong way around, the ingress setting that is important is on the vault side not the client side.