Putting the last and first examples together with a guess, maybe the paragraph would be better if it were changed to:
Each file defines a single job. The name of the job is the filename under
this directory without the .conf extension. For example a job defined in /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf is named rc-sysinit, while a job defined in /etc/init/net/apache.conf is named net/apache. The terms service and
task are also used. These are synonyms for job.
Putting the last and first examples together with a guess, maybe the paragraph would be better if it were changed to:
Each file defines a single job. The name of the job is the filename under
/etc/init/ rc-sysinit. conf is named rc-sysinit, while a job defined in
/etc/init/ net/apache. conf is named net/apache. The terms service and
this directory without the .conf extension. For example a job defined in
task are also used. These are synonyms for job.