On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 22:40, mahfiaz <email address hidden> wrote:
> Maybe the /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required could check the
> /var/lib/dpkg/lock, and keep the loop until it is clean.
> Or maybe even whatever (applet?) watchs for /var/run/reboot_required should
> watch the dpkg lock as well and display the red only when reboot_required is
> present and dpkg/lock is not. So when you start a second upgrade or install,
> it would turn back to black.
sounds sane to me, but somebody obviously fixed dpkg's behaviour, right
what was the fix then? i don't see it in Natty alpha yet.. how far along is
it and will it fix the premature indication by the session menu indicator?
this bug is marked fixed in dpkg
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 22:40, mahfiaz <email address hidden> wrote:
> Maybe the /usr/share/ update- notifier/ notify- reboot- required could check the reboot_ required should
> /var/lib/dpkg/lock, and keep the loop until it is clean.
> Or maybe even whatever (applet?) watchs for /var/run/
> watch the dpkg lock as well and display the red only when reboot_required is
> present and dpkg/lock is not. So when you start a second upgrade or install,
> it would turn back to black.
sounds sane to me, but somebody obviously fixed dpkg's behaviour, right
what was the fix then? i don't see it in Natty alpha yet.. how far along is
it and will it fix the premature indication by the session menu indicator?