I'm attaching a patch against update-notifier 0.147.1 that restores tray icon notifications. Once the patched version is installed, you'll want to make sure the auto-launch feature is disabled* and then restart update-notifier (or log out and back in).
I'm attaching a patch against update-notifier 0.147.1 that restores tray icon notifications. Once the patched version is installed, you'll want to make sure the auto-launch feature is disabled* and then restart update-notifier (or log out and back in).
If you don't want to mess around with source code, you can get patched builds from my PPA: /launchpad. net/~foresto/ +archive/ ubuntutweaks/
*You can disable auto-launch using this command line: update- notifier auto-launch false
gsettings set com.ubuntu.