I had set not a ppa up, but a repository for many distributions on openSUSE's build service including Ubuntu.
Ketil was in charge of updating the packages, but I don't know if he still is.
It is only missing packages for Karmic atm because the support hasn't arrived in the OBS yet.
It has bzr revision 624, which is only 2 revisions behind.
I had set not a ppa up, but a repository for many distributions on openSUSE's build service including Ubuntu.
Ketil was in charge of updating the packages, but I don't know if he still is.
It is only missing packages for Karmic atm because the support hasn't arrived in the OBS yet.
It has bzr revision 624, which is only 2 revisions behind.
Instructions: forum.compiz. org/showthread. php?t=8638