Comment 3 for bug 1052024

Revision history for this message
Nice Testhouse (testhouse) wrote : Re: Week 38 - keynav mode quicklist exit fails to work when mouse is used to right click and choose an option

Week 42 - Same issue observed on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal with ppa:unity-team/sru

Issue 1:- When in keynav mode, right click using mouse on dash icon and clicking any of the options in the quicklist shown fails to exit keynav mode and does not activate the option chosen by the user. Only when the user clicks anywhere on the screen, the chosen option gets activated.
Additional info:- Issue 1 steps when tested with other launcher icons apart from dash, it works ok except with "unlock from launcher" option as explained in issue 2.

Issue 2:- Right click on "unlock from launcher" option in the quicklist, fails to exit the keynav mode. Instead keynav mode shifts to the icon which takes the place of the unlocked launcher icon.