If the launcher auto hide all the time why have it , i think it might aswell be relocated to the top bar , Since it auto hides how does a noob find it ?. The dash is now a nightmare , to many clicks to do any thing . It supossed to be noob Friendly {My sister cant use it } . The Lens,s have no names {Not Noob Friendly} , the scopes are not open in the home lens . The right click on the ubuntu button would be better as the home lens with Home folder then apps We dont need resent apps becouse if they were used regularly we would just dock them in the launcher. The lens icons would be better represented like the scopes.
If the launcher auto hide all the time why have it , i think it might aswell be relocated to the top bar , Since it auto hides how does a noob find it ?. The dash is now a nightmare , to many clicks to do any thing . It supossed to be noob Friendly {My sister cant use it } . The Lens,s have no names {Not Noob Friendly} , the scopes are not open in the home lens . The right click on the ubuntu button would be better as the home lens with Home folder then apps We dont need resent apps becouse if they were used regularly we would just dock them in the launcher. The lens icons would be better represented like the scopes.