Comment 43 for bug 732653

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bigbrovar (bigbrovar) wrote :

Personally am not bothered by this issue. Once I figured out about it (I read the review) it was easy to adapt. However I am system administrator for a university that runs completely on ubuntu. We are currently on ubuntu 10.04 on all our administrative desktops (over 800) and I have been looking to upgrading to unity. Most of our users come from windows but have adapted quite easily to ubuntu (gnome2)

While I think many of our users and student should figure out unity quite easily. This whole autohide menu thing is just a bummer. We have people who rely heavily on office and use firefox alot (among other tools) not being able to figure out the menu is just a nightmere I can't even begin to imagine. offering training would be a drain on resources as we get visiting faculties on a weekly basis and we just dont have the support staff to hand it.

Ubuntu is aiming for the enterprise desktop.. but my verdict from all I have seen so far is that it has really failed. I can not consider ubuntu for our upgrade. might just be safer to go MINT MATE. That might be the safest option for us. really sad