1. Press the "Ctrl+Alt+F2" key combination (Warning: you will be sent to a text console where you won't be able to read this document).
2. Press "Ctrl+Alt+F7".
The solution doesn't work for me.
After pressing the "Ctrl+Alt+F2", I went to a text console and I didn't see a login.
1. Press the "Ctrl+Alt+F2" key combination (Warning: you will be sent to a text console where you won't be able to read this document).
2. Press "Ctrl+Alt+F7".
The solution doesn't work for me.
After pressing the "Ctrl+Alt+F2", I went to a text console and I didn't see a login.
What I get is,
/dev/sda9: recoving journel
blabla ...
Any comments?
Thank you!