* debian/control:
- recommends indicator-sync so it gets installed by default
(lp: #1053482)
- recommends indicator-bluetooth as well (lp: #1111314)
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/control:
- bump compiz build-dep due to the last ABI break
[ Brandon Schaefer ]
* [regression] Clicking on the indicators when the Dash is open no
longer closes the Dash. (LP: #1109150)
* [staging][raring] Dash Maximise/Restore button depends on the
launcher icon size. (LP: #1101310)
[ Romain Perier ]
* The Dash closes when trying to switch to the Command lens (Alt+F2)
(LP: #1019457)
[ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ]
* Launcher can have smaller size on monitor resolution change (LP:
* Dragging down a window from the panel on an external monitor,
restores it at wrong offset (LP: #1104043)
* [regression] Alt+Tab/Alt+grave brings other window to the front but
loses focus entirely. (LP: #1111620)
* Quicklist items need a way to be ellipsized (LP: #1111471)
[ Charles Kerr <email address hidden>, Andrea Azzarone ]
* the GObject subclasses in tests/ don't dispose() properly (LP:
[ Nicolas d'Offay ]
* Speed up dash blur (LP: #1102410)
[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* API changes to FindKeyFocusArea in the Preview class stops more
complicated previous fom setting the correct focus (LP: #1102387)
[ MC Return ]
* Wrong description in Dconf key
com.canonical.unity.launcher.favorites (LP: #1112560)
* Keyboard shortcut overlay says Ctrl+Super+Down "minimises" the
current window, but it doesn't (LP: #966099)
[ Andrea Azzarone ]
* unmounting any gvfs-mounted device from unity menu crashes compiz
(LP: #1111389)
* compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in async_wrapper_callback() from
g_simple_async_result_complete() from
_g_simple_async_result_complete_with_cancellable() from
unmount_reply() (LP: #1102926)
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* SwitcherControllerImpl autopilot test failures in unity -
6.12.0daily13.01.29.2-0ubuntu1 (LP: #1109192)
This bug was fixed in the package unity - 6.12.0daily13. 02.04.1- 0ubuntu1
--------------- 02.04.1- 0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
unity (6.12.0daily13.
* debian/control:
- recommends indicator-sync so it gets installed by default
(lp: #1053482)
- recommends indicator-bluetooth as well (lp: #1111314)
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/control:
- bump compiz build-dep due to the last ABI break
[ Brandon Schaefer ]
* [regression] Clicking on the indicators when the Dash is open no
longer closes the Dash. (LP: #1109150)
* [staging][raring] Dash Maximise/Restore button depends on the
launcher icon size. (LP: #1101310)
[ Romain Perier ]
* The Dash closes when trying to switch to the Command lens (Alt+F2)
(LP: #1019457)
[ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ]
* Launcher can have smaller size on monitor resolution change (LP:
* Dragging down a window from the panel on an external monitor,
restores it at wrong offset (LP: #1104043)
* [regression] Alt+Tab/Alt+grave brings other window to the front but
loses focus entirely. (LP: #1111620)
* Quicklist items need a way to be ellipsized (LP: #1111471)
[ Charles Kerr <email address hidden>, Andrea Azzarone ]
* the GObject subclasses in tests/ don't dispose() properly (LP:
[ Nicolas d'Offay ]
* Speed up dash blur (LP: #1102410)
[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* API changes to FindKeyFocusArea in the Preview class stops more
complicated previous fom setting the correct focus (LP: #1102387)
[ MC Return ] canonical. unity.launcher. favorites (LP: #1112560)
* Wrong description in Dconf key
* Keyboard shortcut overlay says Ctrl+Super+Down "minimises" the
current window, but it doesn't (LP: #966099)
[ Andrea Azzarone ] callback( ) from async_result_ complete( ) from simple_ async_result_ complete_ with_cancellabl e() from
* unmounting any gvfs-mounted device from unity menu crashes compiz
(LP: #1111389)
* compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in async_wrapper_
unmount_reply() (LP: #1102926)
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ] lerImpl autopilot test failures in unity - 0daily13. 01.29.2- 0ubuntu1 (LP: #1109192)
* SwitcherControl
[ Automatic PS uploader ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 3117
-- Automatic PS uploader <email address hidden> Mon, 04 Feb 2013 09:59:13 +0000