I went with the simple approach of popping up a dialog box with the option to continue the suspend operation. My reasoning is that you'll see the dialog the first time this happens and install/fix the lock tool issue.
If someone feels strongly about this not being enough, let me know (or write a patch :)
The change is http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/commit/?id=73ed5e362f7e0754b466d7d0e824ab14fec9cd17
I went with the simple approach of popping up a dialog box with the option to continue the suspend operation. My reasoning is that you'll see the dialog the first time this happens and install/fix the lock tool issue. git.xfce. org/xfce/ xfce4-power- manager/ commit/ ?id=73ed5e362f7 e0754b466d7d0e8 24ab14fec9cd17
If someone feels strongly about this not being enough, let me know (or write a patch :)
The change is http://