Ubuntu 14.10 (r87)
1. Install a system update.
What you see: * An Ubuntu logo mathematically centered on the screen. * A progress bar below it.
Even without the progress bar, mathematically centering the progress bar would make it look too low. <http://markhancock.blogspot.co.uk/2005/02/optically-center-framed-images.html>
The progress bar makes this illusion even worse.
What you should see: The screen contents is above-center, as shown in the wireframe and mockup. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#installing-mobile-system>
Ubuntu 14.10 (r87)
1. Install a system update.
What you see:
* An Ubuntu logo mathematically centered on the screen.
* A progress bar below it.
Even without the progress bar, mathematically centering the progress bar would make it look too low. markhancock. blogspot. co.uk/2005/ 02/optically- center- framed- images. html>
The progress bar makes this illusion even worse.
What you should see: The screen contents is above-center, as shown in the wireframe and mockup. <https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/SoftwareUpd ates#installing -mobile- system>