observe: function (aWindow, aTopic, aData) {
// This can be dispatched from either the inner or outer window
if (aWindow.window == this._aWindow && aTopic == "dom-window-destroyed") { <------------ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dom-window-destroyed"); this._loseInterest(true);
Confirmed on Firefox 33.0+build2- 0ubuntu0. 14.10.1, xul-ext-unity 3.0.0+14. 04.20140416- 0ubuntu1. The browser console shows the error repeating 200 (?!) times:
NS_ERROR_ XPC_SECURITY_ MANAGER_ VETO: unity-global- property- initializer. js:238
observe: function (aWindow, aTopic, aData) { destroyed" ) { <------------
Services. obs.removeObser ver(this, "dom-window- destroyed" );
this. _loseInterest( true);
// This can be dispatched from either the inner or outer window
if (aWindow.window == this._aWindow && aTopic == "dom-window-