Specifically, although the import_package.py script for later revisions has noticed the md5 mismatch and downloaded the appropriate orig.tar.gz, it still says “We already have the needed upstream part”, because bzr-builddeb's import_dsc.DistributionBranch._do_import_package doesn't pass the upstream_md5 when it does:
if not self.has_upstream_version(version.upstream_version):
If it did I think it would probably DTRT here. What do other people think? Does this matter? Would adding “, upstream_md5” to that call be a good idea?
Specifically, although the import_package.py script for later revisions has noticed the md5 mismatch and downloaded the appropriate orig.tar.gz, it still says “We already have the needed upstream part”, because bzr-builddeb's import_ dsc.Distributio nBranch. _do_import_ package doesn't pass the upstream_md5 when it does:
if not self.has_ upstream_ version( version. upstream_ version) :
If it did I think it would probably DTRT here. What do other people think? Does this matter? Would adding “, upstream_md5” to that call be a good idea?