ardour-2.8.7 with 120_mute.patch is now in Maverick. This will work new installs of ardour-2.8.7 only!
Users running lucid will still need to update their ~/.ardour2/ardour.rc file as noted in the first post.
Users UPGRADING to Maverick will still need to update their ~/.ardour2/ardour.rc file as noted in the first post as upgrades should not affect home directories.
ardour-2.8.7 with 120_mute.patch is now in Maverick. This will work new installs of ardour-2.8.7 only!
Users running lucid will still need to update their ~/.ardour2/ ardour. rc file as noted in the first post.
Users UPGRADING to Maverick will still need to update their ~/.ardour2/ ardour. rc file as noted in the first post as upgrades should not affect home directories.