* having the syncdaemon without debug mode on for logs, when deleting a sycnhed file and without this branch, in the log you can only see:
2010-05-11 10:53:09,847 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/nessita/Ubuntu One/work/weekly-report.txt.copy'' | Called delete_on_server (In: T:NONE:F) 2010-05-11 10:53:14,666 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'b9bf33b5-af86-469b-8182-a47fc00fe2fd'] ''-'' | Called remove_trash (In: F:NA:NA)
* when running the syncdaemon within this branch, when removing a synched file, in the log you can now see:
2010-05-11 12:19:22,971 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - INFO - push_event: FS_FILE_DELETE, args:('/home/nessita/Ubuntu One/work/weekly-report.txt.last',), kw:{} 2010-05-11 12:19:22,973 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - T:NONE:F 1f4a1998-e08a-4525-9780-14905b63a62f ['root'::'8af85318-ceae-4dec-9b58-cf44cb2f964b'] ''Ubuntu One/work/weekly-report.txt.last'' | Calling delete_on_server (got FS_FILE_DELETE:{}) 2010-05-11 12:19:22,979 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/nessita/Ubuntu One/work/weekly-report.txt.last'' | Called delete_on_server (In: T:NONE:F) 2010-05-11 12:19:38,540 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'8af85318-ceae-4dec-9b58-cf44cb2f964b'] ''-'' | Calling remove_trash (got AQ_UNLINK_OK:{}) 2010-05-11 12:19:38,541 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'8af85318-ceae-4dec-9b58-cf44cb2f964b'] ''-'' | Called remove_trash (In: F:NA:NA)
* having the syncdaemon without debug mode on for logs, when deleting a sycnhed file and without this branch, in the log you can only see:
2010-05-11 10:53:09,847 - ubuntuone. SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/ nessita/ Ubuntu One/work/ weekly- report. txt.copy' ' | Called delete_on_server (In: T:NONE:F) SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'b9bf33b5- af86-469b- 8182-a47fc00fe2 fd'] ''-'' | Called remove_trash (In: F:NA:NA)
2010-05-11 10:53:14,666 - ubuntuone.
* when running the syncdaemon within this branch, when removing a synched file, in the log you can now see:
2010-05-11 12:19:22,971 - ubuntuone. SyncDaemon. EQ - INFO - push_event: FS_FILE_DELETE, args:(' /home/nessita/ Ubuntu One/work/ weekly- report. txt.last' ,), kw:{} SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - T:NONE:F 1f4a1998- e08a-4525- 9780-14905b63a6 2f ['root' ::'8af85318- ceae-4dec- 9b58-cf44cb2f96 4b'] ''Ubuntu One/work/ weekly- report. txt.last' ' | Calling delete_on_server (got FS_FILE_DELETE:{}) SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/ nessita/ Ubuntu One/work/ weekly- report. txt.last' ' | Called delete_on_server (In: T:NONE:F) SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'8af85318- ceae-4dec- 9b58-cf44cb2f96 4b'] ''-'' | Calling remove_trash (got AQ_UNLINK_OK:{}) SyncDaemon. sync - INFO - -:-:- - [''::'8af85318- ceae-4dec- 9b58-cf44cb2f96 4b'] ''-'' | Called remove_trash (In: F:NA:NA)
2010-05-11 12:19:22,973 - ubuntuone.
2010-05-11 12:19:22,979 - ubuntuone.
2010-05-11 12:19:38,540 - ubuntuone.
2010-05-11 12:19:38,541 - ubuntuone.