I've made the logs.zip using the script you link to. I'm going to backup my U1 metadata folder to try a "clean reboot" of U1 on this machine. If it works I will substitute it with the backed-up "wrong" copy if you need to hunt the bug down further, but now I need my U1 functionality back.
On 20. 3. 2013., at 18:14, Mike McCracken <email address hidden> wrote:
I've made the logs.zip using the script you link to. I'm going to backup my U1 metadata folder to try a "clean reboot" of U1 on this machine. If it works I will substitute it with the backed-up "wrong" copy if you need to hunt the bug down further, but now I need my U1 functionality back.
On 20. 3. 2013., at 18:14, Mike McCracken <email address hidden> wrote:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mikemc/+junk/mac-client-support- view/head:/mac-logs.command
> scripts/