./+o+- harry@hp-dv3 yyyyy- -yyyyyy+ OS: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic ://+//////-yyyyyyo Kernel: i686 Linux 4.15.0-29-generic .++ .:/++++++/-.+sss/` Uptime: 2h 56m .:++o: /++++++++/:--:/- Packages: 1947 o:+o+:++.`..```.-/oo+++++/ Shell: bash 4.4.19 .:+o:+o/. `+sssoo+/ Resolution: 1680x1050 .++/+:+oo+o:` /sssooo. DE: GNOME /+++//+:`oo+o /::--:. WM: Ukwm \+/+o+++`o++o ++////. GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] .++.o+++oo+:` /dddhhh. Icon Theme: Adwaita .+.o+oo:. `oddhhhh+ Font: Cantarell 11 \+.++o+o``-````.:ohdhhhhh+ CPU: Intel Core2 Duo T6500 @ 2x 2.1GHz [67.0°C] `:o+++ `ohhhhhhhhyo++os: GPU: intel .o:`.syhhhhhhh/.oo++o` RAM: 2807MiB / 3943MiB /osyyyyyyo++ooo+++/ ````` +oo+++o\: `oo++.
None of my open application has an icon on the launcher bar, except two icons for filemanager and firefox even though I did not open anyone of them.
.++ .:/++++++/-.+sss/` Uptime: 2h 56m
.:++o: /++++++++/:--:/- Packages: 1947
.:+o:+o/. `+sssoo+/ Resolution: 1680x1050
.++/+:+oo+o:` /sssooo. DE: GNOME
/+++//+:`oo+o /::--:. WM: Ukwm
\+/+o+++`o++o ++////. GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
.++.o+++oo+:` /dddhhh. Icon Theme: Adwaita
.+.o+oo:. `oddhhhh+ Font: Cantarell 11
`:o+++ `ohhhhhhhhyo++os: GPU: intel
None of my open application has an icon on the launcher bar, except two icons for filemanager and firefox even though I did not open anyone of them.