------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-05 14:25 EDT-------
Below list of patches are pulled into upstream 4.13 kernel. If it is not too late, we would like to have them in the Xenial 16.04.3 HWE v4.10 kernel as well. These patches include miscellaneous fixes and it would be helpful to have them in 16.04.3 kernel.
07cc1ccfb84320582c9ac389a21cd81df82bc123 scsi: cxlflash: Select IRQ_POLL
66ea9bcc392017b6df465b6f5847f6eac966a801 scsi: cxlflash: Combine the send queue locks
539d890cecee6b5d7304914afc51b7f53150163d scsi: cxlflash: Update cxlflash_afu_sync() to return errno
a96851d3372bf8ee7023712163ad3da9a3e30a29 scsi: cxlflash: Reset hardware queue context via specified register
0b09e711189952ff9d411593a8d74ec12a956c57 scsi: cxlflash: Schedule asynchronous reset of the host
c2c292f45029a6850cd14c7c2fa4fc479b8f74aa scsi: cxlflash: Handle AFU sync failures
a002bf830f5df3e622e32fdbde1756bcbb6aedad scsi: cxlflash: Track pending scsi commands in each hardware queue
a1ea04b3ebd9ae5c1cd5bf48be37aba0d93c1acc scsi: cxlflash: Flush pending commands in cleanup path
7c4c41f172b6d5dda1119ce5f59151bef732a058 scsi: cxlflash: Add scsi command abort handler
a834a36b57d93b31f683a5d2cf7d87e3e617cb70 scsi: cxlflash: Create character device to provide host management interface
cf2430279006e4afa67dfa4cf952ded38c7ed5b4 scsi: cxlflash: Separate AFU internal command handling from AFU sync specifics
d6e32f530df9827070c45b55a6c67dfa8562184c scsi: cxlflash: Introduce host ioctl support
efa1c818d3458fe97d8f83f40051518b44183234 scsi: cxlflash: Refactor AFU capability checking
9cf43a360450ddd758b0021d1b55f1cc5643b9ed scsi: cxlflash: Support LUN provisioning
bc88ac47d5cb11c7dd9896781f793fae519d53fa scsi: cxlflash: Support AFU debug
3223c01aa1cec60d59bd218aca5e202b558d225a scsi: cxlflash: Support WS16 unmap
479ad8e9d48c4d82c92417b012193e967fc33b8a scsi: cxlflash: Remove zeroing of private command data
8ba1ddb31f528cb45be39b7f3b600261afaa7920 scsi: cxlflash: Update TMF command processing
acfeb23b29894deaee65d63c55bea09183f6b538 scsi: cxlflash: Avoid double free of character device
32abbedaafde5a0c1edfd07369dde73a4fda2554 scsi: cxlflash: Update send_tmf() parameters
5a4d9d7790422c4a92d8ca52e37c1e2b45d42c27 scsi: cxlflash: Update debug prints in reset handlers
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-05 14:26 EDT-------
*** Bug 156360 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-05 14:25 EDT-------
Below list of patches are pulled into upstream 4.13 kernel. If it is not too late, we would like to have them in the Xenial 16.04.3 HWE v4.10 kernel as well. These patches include miscellaneous fixes and it would be helpful to have them in 16.04.3 kernel.
07cc1ccfb843205 82c9ac389a21cd8 1df82bc123 scsi: cxlflash: Select IRQ_POLL 6df465b6f5847f6 eac966a801 scsi: cxlflash: Combine the send queue locks d7304914afc51b7 f53150163d scsi: cxlflash: Update cxlflash_afu_sync() to return errno e7023712163ad3d a9a3e30a29 scsi: cxlflash: Reset hardware queue context via specified register f9d411593a8d74e c12a956c57 scsi: cxlflash: Schedule asynchronous reset of the host 50cd14c7c2fa4fc 479b8f74aa scsi: cxlflash: Handle AFU sync failures 622e32fdbde1756 bcbb6aedad scsi: cxlflash: Track pending scsi commands in each hardware queue c1cd5bf48be37ab a0d93c1acc scsi: cxlflash: Flush pending commands in cleanup path da1119ce5f59151 bef732a058 scsi: cxlflash: Add scsi command abort handler 1f683a5d2cf7d87 e3e617cb70 scsi: cxlflash: Create character device to provide host management interface fa67dfa4cf952de d38c7ed5b4 scsi: cxlflash: Separate AFU internal command handling from AFU sync specifics 070c45b55a6c67d fa8562184c scsi: cxlflash: Introduce host ioctl support 97d8f83f4005151 8b44183234 scsi: cxlflash: Refactor AFU capability checking 758b0021d1b55f1 cc5643b9ed scsi: cxlflash: Support LUN provisioning 7dd9896781f793f ae519d53fa scsi: cxlflash: Support AFU debug d59bd218aca5e20 2b558d225a scsi: cxlflash: Support WS16 unmap 2c92417b012193e 967fc33b8a scsi: cxlflash: Remove zeroing of private command data 45be39b7f3b6002 61afaa7920 scsi: cxlflash: Update TMF command processing aee65d63c55bea0 9183f6b538 scsi: cxlflash: Avoid double free of character device c1edfd07369dde7 3a4fda2554 scsi: cxlflash: Update send_tmf() parameters a92d8ca52e37c1e 2b45d42c27 scsi: cxlflash: Update debug prints in reset handlers
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-05 14:26 EDT-------
*** Bug 156360 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***