To @metta-crawler's solution: you don't have to turn to Debian for a fix. The next Ubuntu LTS (bionic) does include the updated atop version.
Adopting the same approach for Bionic ...
(Note: I use 400 for Bionic package priorities so a dependency missing from Xenial can be fetched from there)
Explanation: Bionic should be only a fallback in case something is not available from your primary repos
Package: *
Pin: release v=18.04,o=Ubuntu
Pin-Priority: 400
Explanation: Bionic should be only a fallback in case something is not available from your primary repos
Package: *
Pin: release v=18.04,o=Canonical
Pin-Priority: 400
# Bionic repos only for selected packages (see the respective file in /etc/apt/preferences.d)
deb bionic main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src bionic main restricted multiverse universe
To @metta-crawler's solution: you don't have to turn to Debian for a fix. The next Ubuntu LTS (bionic) does include the updated atop version.
Adopting the same approach for Bionic ...
(Note: I use 400 for Bionic package priorities so a dependency missing from Xenial can be fetched from there)
$ cat /etc/apt/ preferences. d/20_ubuntu- bionic. pref
Explanation: Bionic should be only a fallback in case something is not available from your primary repos
Package: *
Pin: release v=18.04,o=Ubuntu
Pin-Priority: 400
Explanation: Bionic should be only a fallback in case something is not available from your primary repos
Package: *
Pin: release v=18.04,o=Canonical
Pin-Priority: 400
Explanation: fix for atop crashes (https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ atop/+bug/ 1022865)
Package: atop
Pin: release v=18.04,o=Ubuntu
Pin-Priority: 600
$ cat /etc/apt/ sources. list.d/ ubuntu- bionic. list
# Bionic repos only for selected packages (see the respective file in /etc/apt/ preferences. d) archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic main restricted multiverse universe archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic main restricted multiverse universe
deb http://
deb-src http://
deb http:// archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted multiverse universe archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src http://
deb http:// security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted multiverse universe security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src http://
deb http:// archive. canonical. com/ubuntu bionic partner archive. canonical. com/ubuntu bionic partner
deb-src http://