The Release for yakkety-proposed currently reads: "Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 6:30:29 UTC". Note the "6" as hour.
Reverting commit 9febc2b238e1e322dce1f94ecbed46d595893b52, which introduced the usage of std::get_time has the disadvantage of opening the 'problem' it is supposed to fix again and the 'bonus' the commit mentions is removed, too, which seems small, but is a surprising gotcha in unsuspecting applications (which are either not fiddling with locale at all or are multithreaded).
This is caused by the usage of relatively new c++11 features, namely std::get_time, as described in this libstdc++6 upstream bug: https:/ /gcc.gnu. org/bugzilla/ show_bug. cgi?id= 71556
The Release for yakkety-proposed currently reads: "Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 6:30:29 UTC". Note the "6" as hour.
Reverting commit 9febc2b238e1e32 2dce1f94ecbed46 d595893b52, which introduced the usage of std::get_time has the disadvantage of opening the 'problem' it is supposed to fix again and the 'bonus' the commit mentions is removed, too, which seems small, but is a surprising gotcha in unsuspecting applications (which are either not fiddling with locale at all or are multithreaded).