# Impish desktop results: SUCCESS non-LTS has neither ESM-Infra nor ESM-Apps support or availability.
# so 1. it will not expose "Extend..." links to provide ESM information in Updates tab
# and 2. When attached no ESM information will be represented in Updates tab
csmith@csmith-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996:~$ sofware-properties-gtk
# Success NO error messages
3. Updates tab in "Software & Updates" dialog
# Success no "Extend..." link
Basic Security Maintenance
Active until 07/14/2022
4. Close button
# no errors on software-properties-gtk console
5. Attach and validate
csmith@csmith-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996:~$ sudo ua attach <REDACTED>
This machine is now attached to 'server-team-ua-client-ci-uaa'
cis yes n/a Center for Internet Security Audit Tools
esm-infra yes n/a UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance (ESM)
fips yes n/a NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates yes n/a NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates
livepatch yes n/a Canonical Livepatch service
Operation in progress: ua attach
Enable services with: ua enable <service>
Account: UA Client Test Subscription: server-team-ua-client-ci-uaa
Valid until: 9999-12-31 00:00:00+00:00
Technical support level: essential
csmith@csmith-Standard-PC-Q35-ICH9-2009:~$ software-properties-gtk
# no token expiry error messages
6. Click Updates tab and validate:
# Success Basic Security Maintenance because no ESM available or active on non-LTS
Basic Security Maintenance
Active until 07/14/2022
# Impish desktop results: SUCCESS non-LTS has neither ESM-Infra nor ESM-Apps support or availability.
# so 1. it will not expose "Extend..." links to provide ESM information in Updates tab
# and 2. When attached no ESM information will be represented in Updates tab
1. # install proposed
$ cat > setup_proposed.sh <<EOF archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu sources. list.d/ proposed. list properties- gtk software- properties- common python3- software- properties csmith- Standard- PC-i440FX- PIIX-1996: ~$ lsb_release -sc csmith- Standard- PC-i440FX- PIIX-1996: ~$ apt policy software- properties- gtk properties- gtk: archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu impish- proposed/ main amd64 Packages archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu impish- proposed/ main i386 Packages dpkg/status us.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu impish/main amd64 Packages us.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu impish/main i386 Packages csmith- Standard- PC-i440FX- PIIX-1996: ~$ [ -f /var/lib/ ubuntu- advantage/ status. json ] && echo "status.json PRESENT" || echo "status.json ABSENT"
echo deb \$mirror \$(lsb_release -sc)-proposed main | tee /etc/apt/
apt-get update -q
apt-get install -qy software-
$ IP=`uvt-kvm ip ubuntuimpish`
$ scp setup_proposed.sh csmith@$IP:.
$ ssh csmith@$IP
Version table:
*** 500
500 http://
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
0.99.13 500
500 http://
500 http://
status.json ABSENT
csmith@ csmith- Standard- PC-i440FX- PIIX-1996: ~$ sofware- properties- gtk
# Success NO error messages
3. Updates tab in "Software & Updates" dialog
# Success no "Extend..." link
Basic Security Maintenance
Active until 07/14/2022
4. Close button properties- gtk console
# no errors on software-
5. Attach and validate csmith- Standard- PC-i440FX- PIIX-1996: ~$ sudo ua attach <REDACTED>
This machine is now attached to 'server- team-ua- client- ci-uaa'
cis yes n/a Center for Internet Security Audit Tools
esm-infra yes n/a UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance (ESM)
fips yes n/a NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates yes n/a NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates
livepatch yes n/a Canonical Livepatch service
Operation in progress: ua attach
Enable services with: ua enable <service>
Valid until: 9999-12-31 00:00:00+00:00
Technical support level: essential
csmith@ csmith- Standard- PC-Q35- ICH9-2009: ~$ software- properties- gtk
# no token expiry error messages
6. Click Updates tab and validate:
# Success Basic Security Maintenance because no ESM available or active on non-LTS
Basic Security Maintenance
Active until 07/14/2022