Comment 25 for bug 1920836

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

Confirmed here that /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/status.json is only updated when running 'ua status' as root.

No desktop software is running as root, in the few cases that root privileges are required a small service is run as root and that is communicated with via D-Bus.

The warning doesn't show for the majority of users, since they aren't going to be running from the command line so I would leave it for now, and remove in the next revision of this code.

I think there is a case where this won't work - if you have a fresh machine that you haven't done a 'ua attach' on then software-properties is going to not offer ESM as it's not going to think it's available.

In that 'ua status' can timeout and return empty values, which is why we are accessing /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/status.json. Is there a reason why the ua client doesn't do this itself internally, i.e. it gives you fresh json or returns the cached copy if it can't do the update?