commit 2580bcb5bcc68e59a602ab9ead8c2191c162f700
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 7 11:33:46 2016 -0800
SRIOV: don't block report_state with device count
The device count process can be quite slow on a system with
lots of interfaces. Doing this during report_state can block
it long enough that the agent will be reported as dead and
bindings will fail.
This adjusts the logic to only update the configuration during
the normal device retrieval for the scan loop. This will leave
the report_state loop unblocked by the operation so the agent
doesn't get reported as dead (which blocks port binding).
Closes-Bug: #1648206
Change-Id: Iff45fb6617974b1eceeed238a8d9e958f874f12b
(cherry picked from commit 1a2a71baf3904209679fc5448814a0e7940fe44d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/408616 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=2580bcb5bcc 68e59a602ab9ead 8c2191c162f700
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit 2580bcb5bcc68e5 9a602ab9ead8c21 91c162f700
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 7 11:33:46 2016 -0800
SRIOV: don't block report_state with device count
The device count process can be quite slow on a system with
lots of interfaces. Doing this during report_state can block
it long enough that the agent will be reported as dead and
bindings will fail.
This adjusts the logic to only update the configuration during
the normal device retrieval for the scan loop. This will leave
the report_state loop unblocked by the operation so the agent
doesn't get reported as dead (which blocks port binding).
Closes-Bug: #1648206 1eceeed238a8d9e 958f874f12b 9679fc5448814a0 e7940fe44d)
Change-Id: Iff45fb6617974b
(cherry picked from commit 1a2a71baf390420