Artful and Bionic are fine, since this was fixed in debian's 0.50-4: chkrootkit (0.50-4) unstable; urgency=low
* [132754e] Fix windigo false positive (Closes:#796599)
The patch debian is using is
This should be an easy SRU to xenial if someone wants to pick a low hanging fruit:
Artful and Bionic are fine, since this was fixed in debian's 0.50-4:
chkrootkit (0.50-4) unstable; urgency=low
* [132754e] Fix windigo false positive (Closes:#796599)
The patch debian is using is https:/ /salsa. debian. org/pkg- security- team/chkrootkit /blob/debian/ master/ debian/ patches/ 19_openssh. diff
This should be an easy SRU to xenial if someone wants to pick a low hanging fruit:
https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/StableRelea seUpdates