Test kernel up to the following commit:
[97d3308ab245c51ae237b3444afa7ae87aa9bcd4] drm/i915: Add HAS_CORE_RING_FREQ macro
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[75289874e4484cd4702b3341b654b45b4a09b9d3] drm/i915: Update add_request() to take a request structure
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[c0165304e10f317672e20f2b40770d74c51e287f] drm/i915: Only enable cursor if it can be enabled.
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[b432e5cfd5e92127ad2dd83bfc3083f1dbce43fb] drm/i915: BDW clock change support
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[34edce2fea6960ce5855d6e09902f82822c374c5] drm/i915: Add cdclk extraction for g33, g965gm and g4x
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[318bd821d65d37fb12c5673607e2b013f7a86a01] drm/i915/skl: Propagate the error if we fail to find a suitable DPLL divider
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[5fcece80ecdac932a0acb71e3a239c39dd4af20f] drm/i915: group all hotplug related fields into a new struct in dev_priv
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[0d2e42970cfa8814ce5f73e329f61c94b7ec2dab] drm/i915: reduce indent in i9xx_hpd_irq_handler
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[b1b38278e12b04cf9a227f6af2c24651cf6e8a85] drm/i915: add a context parameter to {en, dis}able zero address mapping
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
b1b38278e12b04cf9a227f6af2c24651cf6e8a85 is the first bad commit
commit b1b38278e12b04cf9a227f6af2c24651cf6e8a85
Author: David Weinehall <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 20 17:00:13 2015 +0300
drm/i915: add a context parameter to {en, dis}able zero address mapping
Export a new context parameter that can be set/queried through the
context_{get,set}param ioctls. This parameter is passed as a context
flag and decides whether or not a GPU address mapping is allowed to
be made at address zero. The default is to allow such mappings.
Signed-off-by: David Weinehall <email address hidden>
Acked-by: "Zou, Nanhai" <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Vetter <email address hidden>
:040000 040000 248175326f478b7bb1ade676c27cd28f2721e5b6 6abdf6db9ac859a7742ba3d6f9c93eb5f928cf76 M drivers
:040000 040000 3789caada5be99563007fae6c089a4be77c5cabf 795fafadea3f1ff99b0e4358b3168b30949406ac M include
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[97d3308ab245c5 1ae237b3444afa7 ae87aa9bcd4] drm/i915: Add HAS_CORE_RING_FREQ macro
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[75289874e4484c d4702b3341b654b 45b4a09b9d3] drm/i915: Update add_request() to take a request structure
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[c0165304e10f31 7672e20f2b40770 d74c51e287f] drm/i915: Only enable cursor if it can be enabled.
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[b432e5cfd5e921 27ad2dd83bfc308 3f1dbce43fb] drm/i915: BDW clock change support
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[34edce2fea6960 ce5855d6e09902f 82822c374c5] drm/i915: Add cdclk extraction for g33, g965gm and g4x
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[318bd821d65d37 fb12c5673607e2b 013f7a86a01] drm/i915/skl: Propagate the error if we fail to find a suitable DPLL divider
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[5fcece80ecdac9 32a0acb71e3a239 c39dd4af20f] drm/i915: group all hotplug related fields into a new struct in dev_priv
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[0d2e42970cfa88 14ce5f73e329f61 c94b7ec2dab] drm/i915: reduce indent in i9xx_hpd_ irq_handler
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
******* ******* ******* ****
Test kernel up to the following commit:
[b1b38278e12b04 cf9a227f6af2c24 651cf6e8a85] drm/i915: add a context parameter to {en, dis}able zero address mapping
Result : No Stack trace (Bad)
b1b38278e12b04c f9a227f6af2c246 51cf6e8a85 is the first bad commit f9a227f6af2c246 51cf6e8a85
commit b1b38278e12b04c
Author: David Weinehall <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 20 17:00:13 2015 +0300
drm/i915: add a context parameter to {en, dis}able zero address mapping
Export a new context parameter that can be set/queried through the {get,set} param ioctls. This parameter is passed as a context
flag and decides whether or not a GPU address mapping is allowed to
be made at address zero. The default is to allow such mappings.
Signed-off-by: David Weinehall <email address hidden>
Acked-by: "Zou, Nanhai" <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Vetter <email address hidden>
:040000 040000 248175326f478b7 bb1ade676c27cd2 8f2721e5b6 6abdf6db9ac859a 7742ba3d6f9c93e b5f928cf76 M drivers 63007fae6c089a4 be77c5cabf 795fafadea3f1ff 99b0e4358b3168b 30949406ac M include
:040000 040000 3789caada5be995
Bisect completed