Matt, you're right, allow me to correct myself below. Short: I still cannot reproduce it.
I just tested it below in a Single node DevStack with today's Nova
git with the Nova instance being QEMU emulated, but I cannot reproduce
the said failure in this bug description.
Matt, you're right, allow me to correct myself below. Short: I still cannot reproduce it.
I just tested it below in a Single node DevStack with today's Nova
git with the Nova instance being QEMU emulated, but I cannot reproduce
the said failure in this bug description.
Test environment
$ uname -r; rpm -q libvirt-daemon-kvm qemu-system-x86 0-0.rc5. git4.1. fc22.x86_ 64 daemon- kvm-1.2. 13-2.fc22. x86_64 system- x86-2.3. 0-0.2.rc1. fc22.x86_ 64
I'm at these commits in my All-In-One DevStack environment:
cinder: d560dc88038ab99 4d50c8394d b65651ded3a9944 798238a2d4 6901b642125b5cf 850f90c81d ed7275a2824a2ca 5ca50b004c 3f9e68eb24afe65 c36bd9b623 ccd59ddfbfcdc9e 1cecdc553d 56d3fe0ec63e744 ed10104a5d
commit c7ca4b95b56539d
commit 72bdc8c27102db3
commit f84e49db5a455b3
commit af568dd1afdcdc9
commit 483de6313fab591
commit 74ca660ab688e15
commit 56ab196ad1fb0e3
$ nova flavor-show 1 ------- ------- ------- -----+- ------- -+ ------- ------- ------- -----+- ------- -+ DISABLED: disabled | False | EXT-DATA: ephemeral | 0 | access: is_public | True | ------- ------- ------- -----+- ------- -+
| Property | Value |
| disk | 1 |
| extra_specs | {} |
| id | 1 |
| name | m1.tiny |
| os-flavor-
| ram | 512 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |
Boot the instance:
$ nova boot --config-drive false --flavor 1 \ 0.3.3-x86_ 64-disk cirrvm1
--key_name oskey1 --image cirros-
Nova instance's guest XML attached.
That's the QEMU invocation ------- ------- -----
$ ps -ef | grep qemu-system-x86_64 qemu-system- x86_64 -name instance-00000001 -S -machine pc-i440fx- 2.3,accel= tcg,usb= off -m 512 -realtime mlock=off -smp 1,sockets= 1,cores= 1,threads= 1 -uuid cc5cae21- 129b-4c63- b8e9-c642a871ef df -smbios type=1, manufacturer= OpenStack Foundation, product= OpenStack Nova,version= 2015.1, serial= d23b2cbb- f02d-4a8e- b6dd-184a86aa83 48,uuid= cc5cae21- 129b-4c63- b8e9-c642a871ef df -nographic -no-user-config -nodefaults -chardev socket, id=charmonitor, path=/var/ lib/libvirt/ qemu/instance- 00000001. monitor, server, nowait -mon chardev= charmonitor, id=monitor, mode=control -rtc base=utc -no-shutdown -boot strict=on -device piix3-usb- uhci,id= usb,bus= pci.0,addr= 0x1.0x2 -drive file=/home/ kashyapc/ src/cloud/ data/nova/ instances/ cc5cae21- 129b-4c63- b8e9-c642a871ef df/disk, if=none, id=drive- virtio- disk0,format= qcow2,cache= none -device virtio- blk-pci, scsi=off, bus=pci. 0,addr= 0x3,drive= drive-virtio- disk0,id= virtio- disk0,bootindex =1 -netdev tap,fd= 24,id=hostnet0 -device virtio- net-pci, netdev= hostnet0, id=net0, mac=fa: 16:3e:d1: f0:3e,bus= pci.0,addr= 0x2 -chardev file,id= charserial0, path=/home/ kashyapc/ src/cloud/ data/nova/ instances/ cc5cae21- 129b-4c63- b8e9-c642a871ef df/console. log -device isa-serial, chardev= charserial0, id=serial0 -chardev pty,id=charserial1 -device isa-serial, chardev= charserial1, id=serial1 -device virtio- balloon- pci,id= balloon0, bus=pci. 0,addr= 0x4 -msg timestamp=on
qemu 2889 1 14 11:12 ? 00:00:11 /usr/bin/