Comment 18 for bug 1439280

Revision history for this message
Liusheng (liusheng) wrote :

I have met the same issue:

root@openstack:~# virsh version
Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.12
Using library: libvirt 1.2.12
Using API: QEMU 1.2.12
Running hypervisor: QEMU 2.2.0

root@openstack:~# dpkg -l |grep nova
ii nova-api 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - API frontend
ii nova-cert 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - certificate management
ii nova-common 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - common files
ii nova-compute 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node base
ii nova-compute-kvm 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node (KVM)
ii nova-compute-libvirt 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node libvirt support
ii nova-conductor 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - conductor service
ii nova-consoleauth 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - Console Authenticator
ii nova-novncproxy 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - NoVNC proxy
ii nova-scheduler 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
ii python-nova 1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute Python libraries
ii python-novaclient 1:2.22.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all client library for OpenStack Compute API