Status update: The kernel patches are now in Dmitry's branch and queued for 4.0
There will _not_ be a patch to the synaptics driver (or libinput). The kernel patches re-route the trackstrick buttons correctly so we don't need userspace to fix this up any. The commit that was already on the branch has been reverted, see:
For distributions: if you are partially backporting Benjamin's kernel patches make sure you either re-instate that synaptics commit or backport the button re-routing patches.
Status update: /git.kernel. org/cgit/ linux/kernel/ git/dtor/ input.git/ commit/ ?h=for- linus&id= 6067fe5e0bf29f5 25561c8281d0101 1cfc9ebbd4
The kernel patches are now in Dmitry's branch and queued for 4.0
There will _not_ be a patch to the synaptics driver (or libinput). The kernel patches re-route the trackstrick buttons correctly so we don't need userspace to fix this up any. The commit that was already on the branch has been reverted, see: cgit.freedeskto driver/ xf86-input- synaptics/ commit/ ?id=5378a020a00 3cbdfa565d43c9e 01997b570059c9
For distributions: if you are partially backporting Benjamin's kernel patches make sure you either re-instate that synaptics commit or backport the button re-routing patches.