Thanks littlelion for the workaround, it was broken here too (Thinkpad X61 Tablet) and the .rules file fixed it.
After upgrading from Trusty to Utopic, there was no /lib/udev/rules.d/69-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules and no /lib/udev/rules.d/69-wacom.rules/wacom.rules at all here.
Thanks littlelion for the workaround, it was broken here too (Thinkpad X61 Tablet) and the .rules file fixed it. rules.d/ 69-xserver- xorg-input- wacom.rules and no /lib/udev/ rules.d/ 69-wacom. rules/wacom. rules at all here.
After upgrading from Trusty to Utopic, there was no /lib/udev/