Resetting to Triaged; we're fixing this, but I can't realistically say that I'm actively working on it at the moment. It involves moving to a new signing key before we can stop grub from falling back to 'linux' when 'linuxefi' validation fails.
This has nothing to do with nvidia-prime or loading whatever drivers -- drivers still load normally, this changes nothing at all but the fact that on a failure to validate the kernel image, grub will still load the badly-signed kernel rather than reporting an error and kicking the user back to the GRUB menu.
Resetting to Triaged; we're fixing this, but I can't realistically say that I'm actively working on it at the moment. It involves moving to a new signing key before we can stop grub from falling back to 'linux' when 'linuxefi' validation fails.
This has nothing to do with nvidia-prime or loading whatever drivers -- drivers still load normally, this changes nothing at all but the fact that on a failure to validate the kernel image, grub will still load the badly-signed kernel rather than reporting an error and kicking the user back to the GRUB menu.