* debian/apparmor.postrm: Ensure that a purge of the apparmor package does
not fail if the /var/lib/apparmor/profiles or /var/lib/apparmor
directories do not exist. This purge operation should be considered
successful in that situation. (LP: #1661406)
This bug was fixed in the package apparmor - 2.11.0-2ubuntu2
apparmor (2.11.0-2ubuntu2) zesty; urgency=medium
* debian/ apparmor. postrm: Ensure that a purge of the apparmor package does apparmor/ profiles or /var/lib/apparmor
not fail if the /var/lib/
directories do not exist. This purge operation should be considered
successful in that situation. (LP: #1661406)
-- Tyler Hicks <email address hidden> Thu, 02 Mar 2017 00:21:14 +0000