I know that at the very least, Precise, Quantal, Raring, Saucy, and Trusty are affected by this bug. I believe that Lucid may also be affected and I will have to look into that to confirm.
I have asked Colin Watson (cjwatson) to merge 1.4.4-2 from Debian to Trusty, as 1.4.4-2 contains the fix for this, as well as other Debian bugfixes.
I know that at the very least, Precise, Quantal, Raring, Saucy, and Trusty are affected by this bug. I believe that Lucid may also be affected and I will have to look into that to confirm.
I have asked Colin Watson (cjwatson) to merge 1.4.4-2 from Debian to Trusty, as 1.4.4-2 contains the fix for this, as well as other Debian bugfixes.
I have the diff from Debian git (see http:// anonscm. debian. org/gitweb/ ?p=collab- maint/nginx. git;a=commitdif f_plain; h=3a4f08671c87b 7fc89e077542edf d6eb651f1803 for the diff) that applies a fix for this, and will nit-pick the specific changes from this for the security fixes for the affected Ubuntu versions.