Comment 18 for bug 1210447

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package keystone - 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1

keystone (1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Dropped patches, applied upstream:
    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-2157.patch: [c100fd2]
  * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (f60f742) (LP: #1210447):
    - [4b22c02] Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.3
    - [c100fd2] Force simple Bind for authentication
    - [b426022] password in clear in keystone.log LP: 1166697
    - [8ea8024] Performance issue when delete tokens for users LP: 1178063
    - [76a94c6] Editing User fails when the user already has a Primary Project
      LP: 1161963
    - [27a5b42] User roles are replaced by group roles in v3 tokens
      LP: 1197874
    - [f60f742] Unscoped tokens are revoked when assigning a role to a user
      LP: 1170186
  * debian/control: Update Vcs field.
 -- Adam Gandelman <email address hidden> Fri, 09 Aug 2013 10:06:27 +0100