Whilst we investigate this issue, please disable logging by adding "--no-log" to the kernel command-line. It is also possible to stop the log from being flushed by disabling the "flush-early-job-log" Upstart job (/etc/init/flush-early-job-log.conf), for example like this:
$ echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/flush-early-job-log.override
$ sudo reboot
Whilst we investigate this issue, please disable logging by adding "--no-log" to the kernel command-line. It is also possible to stop the log from being flushed by disabling the "flush- early-job- log" Upstart job (/etc/init/ flush-early- job-log. conf), for example like this:
$ echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/ flush-early- job-log. override
$ sudo reboot