Luke, Matthias tells me that you plan to port java-access-bridge to at-spi2. Fixing the reverse-deps is a blocker for demoting at-spi, so I'm raising the priority of this bug and milestoning it appropriately; if you aren't going to be able to port this by beta2, it seems we should update openjdk-jre to not depend on java-access-bridge, since I guess it doesn't work anyway when only at-spi2 is installed.
Luke, Matthias tells me that you plan to port java-access-bridge to at-spi2. Fixing the reverse-deps is a blocker for demoting at-spi, so I'm raising the priority of this bug and milestoning it appropriately; if you aren't going to be able to port this by beta2, it seems we should update openjdk-jre to not depend on java-access-bridge, since I guess it doesn't work anyway when only at-spi2 is installed.