The fix for this issue caused another regression, dnsmasq now doesn't function correctly as a tftp server either.
I just tried Trusty (dnsmasq 2.68-1), and network manager ships /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager with:
So now dnsmasq only binds for its tftp service:
udp 0 0* 954/dnsmasq
udp6 0 0 ::1:69 :::* 954/dnsmasq
...and of course that breaks everything. Removing that file makes tftp work again.
Mathieu, could you please package the modifications to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and to /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager as a separate, network-manager-local-resolver.deb package, maybe even produced by the network manager source code, and Recommented: it from network-manager, that people that want to use dnsmasq as a real server can just blacklist it without suffering on each new Ubuntu installation?
E.g. for the 500+ schools we maintain here, we could then just Conflict: network-manager-local-resolver from our main package and forget the whole thing...
The fix for this issue caused another regression, dnsmasq now doesn't function correctly as a tftp server either.
I just tried Trusty (dnsmasq 2.68-1), and network manager ships /etc/dnsmasq. d/network- manager with:
So now dnsmasq only binds for its tftp service:
udp 0 0* 954/dnsmasq
udp6 0 0 ::1:69 :::* 954/dnsmasq
...and of course that breaks everything. Removing that file makes tftp work again.
Mathieu, could you please package the modifications to /etc/NetworkMan ager/NetworkMan ager.conf and to /etc/dnsmasq. d/network- manager as a separate, network- manager- local-resolver. deb package, maybe even produced by the network manager source code, and Recommented: it from network-manager, that people that want to use dnsmasq as a real server can just blacklist it without suffering on each new Ubuntu installation?
E.g. for the 500+ schools we maintain here, we could then just Conflict: network- manager- local-resolver from our main package and forget the whole thing...