Thanks for the explanation of how removal of /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager sets up a conflict between standalone dnsmasq and NM-dnsmasq. (But also see my surprising observation below.)
>> Should this conflict be manifesting itself somehow?
>> Everything seems to be working right now.
>Well, I am not sure which workaround, if any, you are currently relying on.
>If you commented out "dns=dnsmasq" in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf then there is no conflict because NM doesn't start the NM-dnsmasq process.
My workaround was simply to remove /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager. Everything seemed to work after that.
I did not comment out "dns=dnsmasq" in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, which apparently should have subjected the system to the conflict described above. But as I say, I saw no problems. Could this be due to some compensation made by the new dnsmasq, since I am in fact running v.2.63?
Thanks also for the explanation of how disabling NM-dnsmasq does not break DNS.
Since I have dnsmasq v2.63, I tried the experimental solution: I restored /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager and replaced the "bind-interfaces" line with a "bind-dynamic" line. As far as I can tell, everything works.
Thanks for the explanation of how removal of /etc/dnsmasq. d/network- manager sets up a conflict between standalone dnsmasq and NM-dnsmasq. (But also see my surprising observation below.)
>> Should this conflict be manifesting itself somehow?
>> Everything seems to be working right now.
>Well, I am not sure which workaround, if any, you are currently relying on.
>If you commented out "dns=dnsmasq" in /etc/NetworkMan ager/NetworkMan ager.conf then there is no conflict because NM doesn't start the NM-dnsmasq process.
My workaround was simply to remove /etc/dnsmasq. d/network- manager. Everything seemed to work after that.
I did not comment out "dns=dnsmasq" in /etc/NetworkMan ager/NetworkMan ager.conf, which apparently should have subjected the system to the conflict described above. But as I say, I saw no problems. Could this be due to some compensation made by the new dnsmasq, since I am in fact running v.2.63?
Thanks also for the explanation of how disabling NM-dnsmasq does not break DNS.
Since I have dnsmasq v2.63, I tried the experimental solution: I restored /etc/dnsmasq. d/network- manager and replaced the "bind-interfaces" line with a "bind-dynamic" line. As far as I can tell, everything works.
Thank you!