Comment 8 for bug 788532

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Michael Martin-Smucker (mmartinsmucker) wrote :

> I wonder if we should perhaps patch [copy_on_import] out, as it is one of the worst misfeatures a music player could have.

Why do you consider this a misfeature? copy_on_import + automatically renaming files and folder is a pretty critical combination of settings for people who don't want to manually manage the folder structure of thousands (or even tens of thousands) of media files. Crippling a Banshee feature to workaround an issue that is unique to the U1MS extension doesn't seem like the right approach.

A couple related questions:

Why doesn't U1MS store downloaded music files in the folder that has already been set aside for music files (~/Music)? Ideally, the extension should probably follow the same file naming policies that the user defines within Banshee.

If this problem only happens when copy_on_import is turned on, does that mean that the U1MS extension is triggering an import of the entire ~/.ubuntuone directory every time Banshee starts?