I get the same on the latest Chromium from ppa:chromium-daily/ppa:
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-scheme-handler/http" is discouraged (the use of "x-scheme-handler" as media type is strongly discouraged in favor of a subtype of the "application" media type)
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-scheme-handler/https" is discouraged (the use of "x-scheme-handler" as media type is strongly discouraged in favor of a subtype of the "application" media type)
I get the same on the latest Chromium from ppa:chromium- daily/ppa:
Warning in file "/usr/share/ applications/ chromium- browser. desktop" : usage of MIME type "x-scheme- handler/ http" is discouraged (the use of "x-scheme-handler" as media type is strongly discouraged in favor of a subtype of the "application" media type) applications/ chromium- browser. desktop" : usage of MIME type "x-scheme- handler/ https" is discouraged (the use of "x-scheme-handler" as media type is strongly discouraged in favor of a subtype of the "application" media type)
Warning in file "/usr/share/