Binary package hint: chromium-browser
[PPA beta, dev] Chromium 11's logo has been updated. In ppa, PNGs are updated but SVG (/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/chromium-browser.svg) is not, so the pixmap in the menu and in the panel shortcut are different.
You can get the new SVG here:
Please update it before Chromium 11 gets into the main repositories!
Binary package hint: chromium-browser
[PPA beta, dev] icons/hicolor/ scalable/ apps/chromium- browser. svg) is not, so the pixmap in the menu and in the panel shortcut are different.
Chromium 11's logo has been updated.
In ppa, PNGs are updated but SVG (/usr/share/
You can get the new SVG here: http:// upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/ commons/ 5/5f/Chromium_ 11_Logo. svg
Please update it before Chromium 11 gets into the main repositories!