Comment 0 for bug 2025499

Revision history for this message
Corey Bryant (corey.bryant) wrote :

This release sports mostly bug-fixes and we would like to make
sure all of our supported customers have access to these
improvements. The update contains the following package updates:

ceilometer 19.1.0
cinder 21.3.0
neutron 21.1.1
nova 26.2.0

[Test Case]
The following SRU process was followed:

In order to avoid regression of existing consumers, the OpenStack team
will run their continuous integration test against the packages that
are in -proposed. A successful run of all available tests will be
required before the proposed packages can be let into -updates.

The OpenStack team will be in charge of attaching the output summary
of the executed tests. The OpenStack team members will not mark
‘verification-done’ until this has happened.

[Regression Potential]
In order to mitigate the regression potential, the results of the
aforementioned tests are attached to this bug.
