2. Put these files in your home folder, don't leave them on the desktop.
3. Applications - Accessories - Terminal
Execute the following terminal commands (use copy/paste to place them in the terminal):
[code]sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-bin_6-15-1_i386.deb sun-java6-jre_6-15-1_all.deb[/code]
Press Enter. Your password will remain invisible, not even dots, this is normal.
and then:
[code]sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-plugin_6-15-1_i386.deb[/code]
Press Enter.
4. Ready. :)
Bad that we need a workaround... We shouldn't need one. The package maintainer isn't active enough. :(
You can apply a workaround to install the new JRE which is meant for Karmic, in Hardy, Intrepid and Jaunty.
This workaround is for 32-bit Ubuntu only! You have to adapt it for a 64 bit system.
1. Manually download these three files from Multiverse:
Bin: nl.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ pool/multiverse /s/sun- java6/sun- java6-bin_ 6-15-1_ i386.deb[/url]
JRE: nl.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ pool/multiverse /s/sun- java6/sun- java6-jre_ 6-15-1_ all.deb[/url]
Plugin: nl.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ pool/multiverse /s/sun- java6/sun- java6-plugin_ 6-15-1_ i386.deb[/url]
2. Put these files in your home folder, don't leave them on the desktop.
3. Applications - Accessories - Terminal bin_6-15- 1_i386. deb sun-java6- jre_6-15- 1_all.deb[ /code]
Execute the following terminal commands (use copy/paste to place them in the terminal):
[code]sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-
Press Enter. Your password will remain invisible, not even dots, this is normal.
and then: plugin_ 6-15-1_ i386.deb[ /code]
[code]sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-
Press Enter.
4. Ready. :)
Bad that we need a workaround... We shouldn't need one. The package maintainer isn't active enough. :(